New appointment for Dr Mike O'Connor-President of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine
on 14 November 2024
The ACLM was established in November 1995 and provides a network for doctors and dentists who have completed dual qualifications in law and medicine or dentistry, or forensic medicine, or whose areas of practice are impacted by the law and who have consequently elected to undertake internal College or external training to gain at least a basic understanding of the law as it applies to their practices for the benefit of their patients.The aim of the ACLM is to provide the medical profess...
Psychological Screening of Medical Students
Posted by Dr Mike O'Connor
on 14 November 2024
AbstractIt is perhaps appealing to those concerned with physician misconduct to think that selection of entrants to medical school which included psychological testing would identify at-risk candidates who suffer psychological or psychiatric impairments and therefore could be excluded from training. The treatment of psychoses is fraught with adverse side effects which limit the effectiveness of graduates so afflicted.However psychologically impaired physicians who commit boundary violations a...
Asthma in Pregnancy
Posted by Dr Mike O'Connor
on 12 June 2024
I well remember a maternal death from asthma in Dublin during a Caesarean section. The anaesthetists were devastated.
What may have caused that was the use of ergometrine after the baby was delivered. This is a risk factor for bronchoconstriction especially when general anaesthesia is combined. In my experience that fact is not well appreciated by clinicians.In Australia 12.7% of pregnant women suffer asthma.One in 9 Australians suffer from asthma: a chronic inflammatory ...
What may have caused that was the use of ergometrine after the baby was delivered. This is a risk factor for bronchoconstriction especially when general anaesthesia is combined. In my experience that fact is not well appreciated by clinicians.In Australia 12.7% of pregnant women suffer asthma.One in 9 Australians suffer from asthma: a chronic inflammatory ...
Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS)
Posted by Dr Mike O'Connor
on 15 November 2023
An OASIS injury can have a devastating effect on the life of a young mother who develops incontinence of flatus and faeces.This can happen because the sphincter transections are either not identified ; not repaired correctly or the repair subsequently breaks down. Over time ,especially during the menopause even good repairs can weaken because of progressive loss of smooth muscle and connective tissue.The External Anal Sphincter (EAS) is comprised of striated muscle and is innervated by the pu...
Posted in:Obstetrcis |
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Biphosphonates
Posted by Dr Mike O'Connor
on 29 August 2023
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a serious but rare complication of bisphosphonate and Prolia treatment for osteoporosis. It is diagnosed when maxillary or mandibular bone becomes exposed whilst medicated with bisphosphonates. The bisphosphonates are a group of drugs which are preferentially incorporated into sites of active bone re-modelling where they inhibit hydroxyapatite breakdown, thereby effectively suppressing bone resorption.Just how bisphosphonates cause osteonecrosis is not well underst...
Posted in:Other |